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Hey there!

My name is Angie (she/her), and I'm glad you're here. 

In my experience, asking for help is one of the bravest (and hardest) things I've ever done. When I was considering therapy for the very first time, I felt anxious, overwhelmed, and scared of being judged.


I remember thinking, "Does this person actually care about what I'm going through?" 

If you're here, I imagine you may be feeling a lot like I did.

While everyone has unique ways of processing the hard stuff, you should never have to do it alone. I promise to walk alongside you with compassion, honesty, and a kick in the pants when you need it! I know firsthand how difficult the first step can be. But I can also tell you this: 



As your therapist, I can't promise to have all the answers. But I can promise that I will do my best to get you the care you need, whatever that looks like. I believe deeply in you, and I care deeply for you.


If I can take that first step toward healing, I know you can too! 


Whether you choose to work with me or go another route, I am already so proud of you. I know life can feel like it's just waiting to swallow you up, but you don't have to weather it alone.


Angie Milano

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About Me




I genuinely care about you as a person. 

I am mindful of you, even when we aren't together. 

I will do everything in my power to help you create a fulfilling, healthy life. 

If what you need to live a satisfying, healthy life does not exist, I will push you to create it.

You are so much more than a diagnosis or a treatment plan.

You are a whole and complete person worthy of respect and care. 

You are not broken, or in need of fixing.

Our work is simply to dismantle the things that no longer serve you, as you learn how to create the life and relationships you want. 

I do not make assumptions about what you need.

You are the expert on your own life, and I rely on our relationship and your communication to guide me.  If I do not know best practices for helping you with your specific challenges, I will either learn how, or I will connect you to the best resources I can find. 

My highest goal is to put myself out of business.

I love helping people live their best life, and my genuine care and concern for others

is why I choose to do this work. 


The relationship has to come first. 


Before we can dive deep into your goals, dreams, and struggles, we have to build trust. 


Let's be real, when was the last time you sat down and spoke to a perfect stranger about the dirty details of your life? 

I do not expect you to trust me simply because I am a therapist. Trust takes time, and is developed through connecting about values, relationships, and shared experiences. 

The structure of each session is up to you.


I may prompt you about about what we discussed in our last session, and we will check in as needed. However, if you had a terrible week, or have another priority, it's important that you feel comfortable using the hour to discuss what is troubling you in the moment. 

Often, your current struggles will shed light on larger patterns and give us an opportunity

to explore your goals and stuck places. Other times, simply having a safe space to lay it all out

will help you shift and grow. 


Therapy should not be about me or what I think.

Since no two brains work exactly the same way, we will do our best work when we learn together about your unique perspective and needs.

You should never feel as if you cannot make decisions without me or my approval.

My job is not to make decisions for you, or to judge the choices you make. My job is to help you feel empowered and confident to depend on yourself and your strengths. 

Therapy should not be something you dread or feel obligated to do.

You should not feel judged, less than, or weak. One of the strongest things you can do in this world is be vulnerable with another person. 

You should not feel uncertain about my ability to help you.

If that occurs, it is likely not the best fit for you and we will work together to find resources

that work for your specific needs.

It should not be about fixing you.

I cannot do that. You are already fixed. I just want to help learn why this is true.

White Feather

Are you ready to begin?

 Fill out the form below to get started.

Your life is waiting. 

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